Monthly Archives: April 2023

Spinach-Feta Scrolls/Rolls

I wanted to make something with spinach and feta for Easter for some reason. I was brain storming a pork roast roll up with the two items in the middle but then switched gears to making a bread instead because the leftovers from the rolled up roast would not be as flexible for future meals.

I ended up making these rolls/scrolls using a wreath filling recipe and the enriched duck fat dough recipe I’ve used in the past.

The results were delicious though they’re best served fresh. I ended up microwaving for about 10-15 seconds on low to get them back to that soft texture.

Happy Easter ! (2023)

Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates the occasion.

I was on my own and threw together a pork roast with fiddleheads, hash brown patties and  onion rings for supper. Cream puffs filled with whipping cream for dessert and a glass of Pinot Grigio to wash it down. The latter was a Christmas gift from my nephew.